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Thursday, December 20, 2007

Cheap Red Wine

For a few weeks now, I've noticed this bottle of wine at the local grocery store (well ... let me back up. Our LOCAL grocery store does not believe in selling alcohol, so this is the grocery store that does). The label looks just like this ... it's a brown label that just says Cheap Red Wine. It was $5-something a bottle. Feeling a little brave and just a tad bit frisky, I picked up the bottle of wine.

As I was making dinner, I uncorked my cheap red wine. I will say, it did have a nice nose. No where on the bottle did it say which grapes were used to make this, which begs the question, will the wine always taste the same? I mean, for $5 bucks, they could blend together any combination of grapes.

I let the glass sit for a bit to air. With a swirl, I noticed the lack of legs to this wine. So my first conclusion to this wine is that although inexpensive, you'll have to buy a few bottles if your goal is to get a buzz.

I took a sip. It was a little hard, and frankly not what I expected in comparison with its nose. The more sips into it, the more I enjoyed it.

Was it the worst wine I've ever tasted? No ... but now I have to think, have I *ever* had a true *bad* bottle of wine? Hmmm. Although not bad, I just may leave it on the grocer's shelf the next time I notice it.


Anonymous said...

I think the name of the wine indicated exactly what you'd expect to taste!

Kim said...

Well, yes that's true ... but sometimes you find a diamond in the rough ... how fun it would be to find that fun bottle of very inexpensive wine :)

Anonymous said...

We had a bad bottle of wine once. It was Charles Shaw (aka Two Buck Chuck). We bought it at Trader Joes.

Most people swear by that stuff - but this was by far the worst wine we've ever had. It was a Chardonnay, I believe. We've never tried it again, though we do like the other wines made by Charles Shaw....