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Sunday, March 15, 2009

Two grapes passing in the night

This past week, I picked up a few bottles of wine that I've never tried before.  I was browsing for blended reds - every since we had the Viognier and Shiraz blend at Ryan and Nicki's, I've been on a quest of trying others.  I've tasted grenache grapes in wines before, so I decided to pick up a bottle with grenache grapes.

At the local Kroger, I found a bottle of Grenache Noir, a french wine from Domaine De Gournier winery (2006).  As I was trying to find a label to post here (BTW, the bottle as $10), I stumbled upon this review:

"Nose:  initially decanted and smelled very fake, but after about 10 minutes it actually openned up and smelled strongly of red twizlers ..."


Should I (or anyone, for that matter) ever take a review of a wine seriously from someone who doesn't even bother to use spell check before posting?

Anyway ... Red Twizzlers??  OK, I can honestly say that I have never smelled red twizzlers in any wine.  Maybe the reviewer picked up a hint of licorice.  I can see that.  I don't recall any of either.  The reviewer was also talking about a 2005 bottle.

I liked the wine.  I gave Rob a glass and asked him to guess what kind of wine it was.  He said it was either a Pinot Noir or a blend.  He's goooood.  I think the grenache grape gave it a little lighter of a flavor than a straight Pinot Noir.  I also thought this wine was very smooth, which I enjoy.

This wine gets a two thumbs up.  Nice wine, nice flavor, and nice price.


wiseley worded said...

red twizzlers don't taste like licorice, do they? and I don't think I could like a wine that tasted like the black ones.

The bottle looks nice though.

Kim said...

For the record, I didn't think the wine tasted licoricie (is that a word?) at all. Or red twizzler like.

And it does have a cool label. I've bought more than one bottle of wine because I liked the label...